Why Exfoliate?

Did you know that dry skin creates a skin barrier that prevents your skin from absorbing nutrients? Not only does this make it exceedingly difficult for your skin care to work its magic, but dry skin exaggerates the effect of gravity and causes the grace of aging fine lines to become deep crevasses AKA … Wrinkles!
By exfoliating away the top layer of the dermis you are accomplishing more than you know. It truly is the key to supple more refreshed and rejuvenated skin.
Let’s break it down in the simplest terms
Our bodies protective response to the impact of environmental forces such as weather and changing climates, pollutants, poor diet, and low water intake is to create a barrier to protect from these element which causes undue damage to our health.
But healthy skin needs to be “stimulated” to produce new cells by promoting cell turnover. Once we reach adulthood our cell turnover slows to a crawl at 7 weeks. Because of this we need to help promote cell turn over.
There are several ways to initiate cell turnover:
Physical exfoliation
- Scrubs are a great and easy solution. You can use a Daily Micro Derm Scrub which refreshes you skin each morning, or you can use a more vigorous scrub weekly, like Nitty Gritty Face and Body Polish.
- Use a sloughing handheld devise like Clarisonic or the new Vanity Planet Facial Brush is a fan favorite.
- Microderm Abrasion from a professional
- Lasers from a professional
- Loofa or dry brush for the body.
- Peels – enzyme or see your esthetician for a deeper chemical peel
- Gradual overnight exfoliation – with Boost or Rescue Repair using lactic acid
Clearing the pathways of dry lifeless skin, not only immediately improves the appearance of your skin but it allows your treatment serums like Liquid Gold, Copper Tri-Peptide and Hi-Impact absorb more completely allowing your serums to perform at their maximum efficacy.
How often should you exfoliate?
Listen to your skin. If you tend to be on the dry side, and you’re not too aggressive in your physical exfoliation, you can exfoliate daily. However, if you have an oilier complexation, once or twice a week is a good rule of thumb. Exfoliating too often with an oily complexation can over stimulate the sebaceous glands and irritate the skin or cause breakouts.
In conclusion, the best way to rejuvenate your skin is to exfoliate. By desecrating and removing the dry lifeless skin you force the body to actively produce new cells. If you are feeding your skin nutrients and peptides through your treatments serums and nurturing your skin with plenty of water and healthy foods, you will be amazed at how quickly you will see results.