How it all began...
Welcome to Stemulation Skin Care! I am Laurie Nicoll Nord, the founder of this amazing skin care line. I truly believe it was divinely inspired, a gift from God above.
I worked in the mortgage industry for nearly 30 years when the crash of 2008 happened. It was devastating. I knew that the recovery of mortgage banking was going to take a while and I felt like I wanted a new challenge.
As I explored the possibilities, I was asked to join the marketing team of an emerging biotech company focused on stem cell research. I was amazed at the science. I became a sponge and soaked up every bit of information and education I could from the doctors and scientist on our team.
This scientific panel was made up of renowned doctors and scientists from around the world. They were growing heart valves and tracheas! All kinds of organs, so of course I had to ask..."If you can grown organs, can you grow skin? After all, it is the largest organ in the body".
Well, that question was met with a few scoffs and an astounding "Of Course!"
But I had a personal reason for asking the question. You see, I was born with a deficiency in my body's ability to produce vitamins A and D which severely impacted the elasticity in my skin. Since the age of 3 my mother had been dragging me off to the dermatologist because my skin was so dry and sensitive that my finger tips would break open and bleed.
The doctors tried everything. Ointments, creams every imaginable potion. I was treated with highly toxic vitamin A droplets, and even tortured with ultra-violet light treatments which consisted of striping me down to my undies and making me stand in a closet lined with ultra-violet lights and being told not to touch the walls or I would burn myself.
So fast forward to the stem cell research company, as I wanted to find out exactly how stem cells could help my skin. And if it would work for my very compromised skin what would it do for others? I left the biotech company and went on a new found quest, to understand the mechanism of action that made our stem cells so effective and what type of stem cells would do the best job.
New and Improved! Our
revitalizing serum minimizes the signs of aging and hydrates
1 oz 30 mL
Our ultra hydrating night crème activates a natural exfoliation to regenerate and smooth fine lines
1.7 oz 50 mL
Tightens and lifts the sagging neck skin with V-Lift Technology, Matrixyl 3000™ and Idealift™
1.7 oz 50 mL
As seen in Fab Fit Fun! Gently exfoliate, polish and refresh, allowing your skin to glow
6 oz 180 mL
Copper peptides help keep the skin supple, strong, plump and moisturized.
0.5 oz 15 mL
Targets areas troubled with age spots, extreme dryness, loose skin and calluses.
1.7 oz 50 mL
We determined that Mesenchymal Stem Cells, derived from bone marrow were both pluripotent cells and nutrient rich. MSC's act as the bodies emergency medical team and when the body experiences a trauma, MSC's are dispersed to the site and through cell proliferation (scientific way of saying multiplication) they create growth factors known as cytokines made up of peptides and amino acids. These growth factors are the messaging molecule that "stemulate" our body to respond to the trauma.
We isolated a proprietary blend of growth factors that were specific to the skin health and cell structure, and in the several years since we first launched, the growth in this field of study had blown up. We were now able to re-create the specific growth factors as a bio-identical synthetic replication. Not only is it more effective than our original product, it is an accepted cosmetic ingredient internationally.
If you are still reading, then you will know that Stemulation is my passion. Remember me as that young teenager teased to tears for having "Granny Hands" at the age of 13; well, she is still here but with a heart to create highly effective clinical grade skin care that makes you feel good about your skin. Voilà... Stemulation was created to make a difference in how you feel about your skin giving you the confidence to face the day knowing that you look your best.
People are always skeptical of before and after pictures but I would be remiss if I didn't share mine. This product changed my life.
These pictures are now many years old, but my skin today is far better than it was before we began.
"Liquid Gold" Facial Serum, Boost Night Creme and Daily Micro Derm Scrub
But don't take my word for it... try it yourself, and if you're not satisfied with your experience or your results, return the product for a refund.
We are a boutique indie brand focused on being the best not the biggest. If you have questions, reach out... we are here to help.
Thank you for taking the time to read our story, we appreciate your time.
Beauty and Blessings,
P.S. If you are inspired to try any of our products use the coupon code GLOW for $10 off your first purchase.